Etsy's Spellcasting Marketplace - a Sign of the Times
Etsy, the "global online marketplace, where people come together to make, sell, buy, and collect unique items," is also a hotbed of occultism. It once fought against it but appears, now, to have caved to the culture.
In 2015, A journalist wrote an article about Etsy’s spellwork and decided to try it out for the sake of an article. Without getting into the details, since, as is often the case with magic, it was something indecent that the journalist sought, the spell, which was cast in the journalist’s favor, ended up coinciding with (or causing) a sudden and very strong illness, which lasted almost two weeks. The journalist, in the course of all the events, had a few personal revelations which were refreshing to finally understand. Animated by a superstitious mindset, the journalist looked for, and found, the good about the spell and that it was, ultimately, worth the money. However, though the spell did not grant what was sought and led to a vicious illness, this individual was blind to all of that.
Etsy is a good case study for the current state of our culture. In 2012, Ebay (not Etsy) banned the sale of spells, hexes, healings, potions, and the like from its platform. As a result, witches flocked to Etsy, which became one of the most popular places for these “metaphysical services.”
In 2015, Etsy also changed its rules, moving from allowing spells, etc., so long as they produced some sort of tangible item, to prohibiting the sale altogether, even if the seller provided something tangible. This cause a great degree of uproar and made the news on all the major sites.
It appeared that Etsy moved quickly and began shutting down shops that did not comply with the new guideline. Witches were annoyed and perplexed by the change, especially since Etsy had been very welcoming to the witch community up until that point. Many witches began to believe that they were being targeted as a result of a religious bias against occultic activity. Many Christian religious items were still permitted, which the witches said was proof that Etsy was guilty of religious discrimination.
When the news of the change and the complaints became public, Amazon reached out to the witchcraft shops inviting them to set up their shops on Amazon’s new handmade platform. While it seems this did not take off, there are over nine thousand options under “spell supplies” on Amazon.
The Pressure of the Rising Occult
Six years later, Etsy was still allowing witchcraft shops. A reddit thread from 2021 discussed the fact that, despite the ban on such things, there were spells everywhere, and official categories provided for them. “Metaphysical services may not be sold in our marketplace,” Etsy currently states on its website. You can sell a tarot reading so long as it comes with a tangible item, but you can’t cast spells or do rituals for someone which promise a specific metaphysical outcome, or so they say.
Early in 2022, another online discussion about the presence of spells on Etsy, despite the ban, theorized that Etsy has simply truced with the witches. Etsy is so overwhelmed by the number of shops that are open, and operating against the rules, that they simply cannot police them all. It reminds me of Neo from The Matrix, who, in the third movie, truced with the machines, but did not liberate humanity from them. Neo and humanity entered into a “coexistence” with the evil machines for the time being. But, good cannot tolerate evil; the evil will take over. Etsy tried to cancel the sale of spells seven years ago in order to preserve some sort of integrity. However, it seems that they have seen the “signs of the times” and are now convinced that the occult is mainstreamed and unstoppable.
Currently, in 2022, if you look on Etsy, spells are aplenty! If you search “spell” in Esty today, you will get a huge inventory of spells that are all one click away. You will also be greeted by numerous disturbing images and offers of “death spells.” There are over two hundred thousand different services offered under the search word “spell.” There are likely even more out there that come up under different key search words. Further, in the category “Witchcraft Shops,” there are just under six thousand different shops.
What Kind of Spells?
If you search for “death spell” (yes, that's correct), you will get close to three thousand different options.
Looking at a “star seller” of “death spells,” it is bewildering, to say the least. The comments are filled with accolades like “[the seller] is so nice…goes above and beyond…a nice person…so willing to help…very patience,” to which the seller responds in equally kind and gracious words. All the while, he is casting spells for them that seek to cause “death,” achieve “revenge,” cause “annihilation,” and manifest “hate.” Insane. The seller is clear in his description that he uses black magic “and demons” to cast his spells.
Looking at the comments for an “obsession spell,” the witch is clearly effective in her spellwork. She receives high praise for her helpfulness and accuracy. Her spells work, or at least every appearance is there that they work. Looking at the description of the shop, she is clearly doing “spellcasting,” in violation of the supposed rules, but she states at the bottom, in order to skirt the violation, “Due to the terms and policy, I am stating that [sic] is for entertainment purposes only.” Clearly, everything else in her description proves the contrary!
So, what are we to make of this? Witchcraft has its foothold in the culture. There is now clearly a market for it – an audience and a revenue stream. Stores that once desired to resist it can do so no longer. And what does that lead to? The young generations are growing up in an ever increasing “witchy” world.
This reminds me of a question I once posed to an exorcist.
“Do you think it’s possible that the religion of the Antichrist could be witchcraft and the occult? And that we could eventually see pentagrams and other occult symbols everywhere, like Christian symbols used to be?”
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Thank you! Very eye opening! Etsy and all those who allow the sale of spells must not be used and/or sponsored by those of us who do not approve the sale of dehumanizing, crazifying, criminality-promoting occultic poison.